Αυριο Δευτέρα 20/05, στις 15:45, στα πλαίσια του μαθήματος 4342 Πληροφορική, θα έχουμε διάλεξη στην Α008 απο τον Daniel Leithinger καθηγητή στο ATLAS Institute του University of Colorado Boulder, πάνω στο σχεδιασμό απτικών/φυσικών/αναλογικών μέσων διάδρασης με υπολογιστικά συστήματα. Ο Daniel θα συνδεθεί μαζί μας μέσω ZOOM απο τις ΗΠΑ (σύνδεσμος παρακάτω). Όποιοι/ες ενδιαφέρονται να παρακολουθήσουν, είστε παραπάνω απο ευπρόσδεκτοι. Επισυνάπτω σύνδεσμο σύνδεσης και πληροφορίες για τον καλεσμένο μας.
Zoom Link: https://upatras-gr.zoom.us/my/dpapanikolaou
Daniel Leithinger, PhD
I am an assistant professor at the ATLAS Institute and Department of Computer Science at the University of Colorado Boulder. Together with my extraordinary student researchers at the THING Lab, I invent human computer interfaces that push digital information past the boundaries of flat displays, and into the real world.
Prior to CU Boulder, I received my PhD in 2015 at the MIT Media Lab, with a focus on tangible computer interfaces that can programmatically change their shape and materiality, advised by Hiroshi Ishii in the Tangible Media Group. Together with my colleagues, I have invented a series of award winning computer interfaces, which have been presented at venues like ACM TEI, UIST, CHI, DIS, SIGGRAPH, Ars Electronica, and the Cooper Hewitt National Design Museum. Widely featured in international news, my work has received awards by Fast Company, A’ Design, Red Dot, Core 77, IDEA, RTT, SIGGRAPH, and Laval Virtual.
I have had the privilege to work in diverse research labs including the Ars Electronica Futurelab (Linz, Austria), HITLab NZ (Christchurch, NZ), Media Interaction Lab (Hagenberg, Austria), Interactive Media Lab (Singapore) and Disney Research Lab (Pittsburgh, US) and MIT Media Lab (Cambridge, US). in 2015, I co-founded Lumii Inc. (Now Fathom Optics), a glasses-free 3D display technology company.
I have fostered industry collaborations with companies like Ericsson (Augmented Reality Remote Assistance), Microsoft Research (HapticBots), Adobe Research (RealitySketch), Shell (new interfaces for volumetric data exploration), Olympus (resulting in a new camera product Olympus Air), Jansport (interactive backpack concepts), and Lexus (Design Amazing at Milan Design Week).