The course aims to introduce students to concepts, examples and tools that show how information management in design and construction is changing the landscape of architectural design. We are dealing with a social reality of multi-scale emergent collectivities, with the physical space coexisting with the digital space in an attempt to establish common codes of communication, cooperation and solidarity.
The course aims to introduce students to concepts, examples and tools that show how information management in design and construction is changing the landscape of architectural design. We are dealing with a social reality of multi-scale emergent collectivities, with the physical space coexisting with the digital space in an attempt to establish common codes of communication, cooperation and solidarity. In this context, we can think of the physical and digital space of the city as assemblages, i.e. as a multitude of elements and entities that interact with each other, each time forming a different assembly, depending on the scenario or the relational model. Urban planning would no longer be about shaping and defining spaces in their detail, but about creating spatial frameworks that would allow for a range of unpredictable situations. Units of micro-architecture, catalysts of collectivity, “kind of objects” of changing identity. They integrate the city, just as ambient computing integrates elements of distributed computing power into existing objects. The units bridge the physical with the digital, creating an interactive environment.