The School of Architecture organizes the Interdepartmental Postgraduate Programme of Studies (D.P.M.S.) “Protection of Monuments” with the following directions:
Direction A’: Conservation and Restoration of Historic Buildings and Complexes and
Direction B`: Materials and Maintenance Interventions
The programme is organised by the School of Architecture with the collaboration of the School of Chemical Engineering, and the participation of the Faculties of Civil Engineering and Rural Surveying of the Hellenic University.
Direction A is coordinated by the School of Architecture and Direction B by the School of Chemical Engineering.
The first direction of the programme “Conservation and Restoration of Historic Buildings and Ensembles” aims at the education and training of scientists for the documentation, protection and preservation of our Architectural Heritage and in particular for monuments of all ages, for constructions of folk tradition and for newer works of great importance for Greek culture.
Also, to provide the necessary knowledge for the documentation of the particular physiognomy of historic towns and settlements, their treatment as living and evolving organisms -always in combination with their natural environment- the identification of their problems and the methodology of their “integrated” protection, which includes the concept of their sustainable development.