Planning consideration and re-interpretation of the urban fabric of the city, with an emphasis on the reuse of the architectural heritage of the Modern Movement. Through the thematic focus on twentieth-century neo-Hellenic architecture, the course seeks to reveal the values embodied in important works of Modernism and explore the conditions and possibilities of their transformation, evolution and transformation, with the aim of serving the needs of the modern era.
The School of Koula Pratsika (today: State School of Orchestral Art), one of the most interesting works of the architect Georgios Kontoleon, built in Athens, Kolonaki, at 55 Omirou Street, in the 1930s, is chosen as the field of study. the adjacent six-storey apartment building, at 57 Omirou Street, built in 1958, also belongs to the scope of study. For educational reasons, it will be considered that only its load-bearing body is preserved, and ways of transforming and connecting it with the shell of the Pratsika School will be sought.