Identification and assessment of the existing condition of traditional building systems and formulation of proposals for the restoration and maintenance of the corresponding building structures. The aim of the course is to provide an understanding of the construction structure, the use of materials and traditional practices, which will lead to the appropriate treatment of repair, maintenance and restoration issues of a traditional building.
Identification and assessment of the existing condition of traditional building systems and formulation of proposals for the restoration and maintenance of the corresponding building structures. The aim of the course is to understand the construction structure, the use of materials and traditional practices, which will lead to the appropriate treatment of repair, maintenance and restoration issues of a traditional building. On-site visit to a selected settlement, where a survey and construction analysis of a specific building per group is carried out. The importance of on-site mapping and recording of the existing situation is particularly important because it constitutes an intensive effort to understand and evaluate this organic whole that constitutes each traditional building, with all its individual architectural, morphological, constructional and functional elements. Identification of the damage and the causes of the damage and the preparation of a proposal for the re-use and restoration of the buildings, with emphasis on the methods of repair and strengthening of the respective structural systems.