Introduction to the principles of sustainable environmental design as a multi-factorial component of the architectural design of buildings.
Introduction to the principles and systems of bioclimatic architecture for the design of buildings adapted to their natural and climatic environment with high energy efficiency and near-zero energy balance (NZEB) characteristics.
Introduction to the principles of sustainable environmental design as a multi-factorial component of the architectural design of buildings.
Introduction to the principles and systems of bioclimatic architecture for the design of buildings adapted to their natural and climatic environment with high energy efficiency and near-zero energy balance (NZEB) characteristics.
Analysis of the physical and built environment and climate data. Analysis of the principles and structural elements that determine the thermo-physical characteristics of buildings and shape their comfort conditions, their energy behaviour in relation to their use, construction system and architectural form.
Investigation and analysis of the building envelope structure and design approach of the construction principles, methods and materials that determine their bioclimatic function.
Introduction to methodologies for calculating the energy performance of buildings with emphasis on the calculation of thermal insulation and damp proofing.